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I have been eating pesto since my first job in a restaurant in college. It was so exotic back then. It’s more common now, but I love it just as much. It is wonderful served on toast with a slice of tomato, or with pasta or meats.
Source: Molly Katzen, the original Moosewood Cookbook (Entered by Marcie Brewster)
Servings: makes many small servings, or enough to dress pasta for 2 to 4
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This is something we’ve just started making since we got our own laying hens. Make sure you trust your egg source before eating raw eggs.
Fresh mayo only keeps for 3 or 4 days in the fridge. You can easily divide this recipe in half and just use one egg. When I make mayo with one egg, I use a blender instead of a food processor.
It makes a great veggie dip or salad dressing.
Source: This recipe came off the web somewhere, but I don't remember the site. (Entered by Marcie Brewster)
Servings: This will make a lot of mayo.
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